
Youth and Children’s Ministries




On Sunday mornings, we love to have children worshipping with us in the sanctuary!  We also know that it can be difficult for parents to completely give themselves over to God while dealing with restless children in the seat beside them.  So, our NURSERY is available and fully staffed for those who desire a fun and safe environment for their children during Sunday School and Worship hours.




BLAST!  Kid’s Ministry K-5th grade  

(Bible Learning and Sharing Together!) ~ BEGINNING OCT 14

On Sunday mornings from 10-10:45am, children are greeted by their teachers at the classroom door!  During Sunday School, we want to help our kids grow relationships…with Jesus, their teachers, and their classmates.


Our Purpose during this hour is to teach children the Love of Jesus Christ, and to give them opportunities to see Love in Action.  Fun, age appropriate activities will help children learn bible stories as they share in music, play, dance, and crafts that reinforce the truth that life with Jesus is full of joy.


Our great hope is that your child discovers gathering with the church on Sunday morning is a BLAST!



The Youth Group @ NPC invites you to join them in THE UPPER ROOM, Wednesday nights at 6pm, in the upstairs room above the Fellowship Hall!









Adult Ministries


Discipleship Groups:

The mission of NPC is to lead all people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.  In essence, that is simply a restating of Christ’s command to “go, make disciples of all nations.”  But a real disciple, someone who is developing, by the Spirit, the character and capacity of Jesus, someone who looks like the members of the church in the book of Acts, is not produced by accident.  A mature Christian is shaped very purposefully, and becomes who she/he is by submission to the gentle and easy yoke of Jesus Christ.  At NPC, we’re putting our eggs in the basket of discipleship, beginning first with our elders, who will then train our membership, who will then be sent in a whole new way into our community of Newland and Avery County.  What would such a process look like?  How might you be a part of something big that God desires for our church and for you?  Here, it looks something like this:


Who would be involved?

You!  And 6-10 others.  Learning.  Growing. Caring.  Praying. Serving.


Each week for a year, groups will meet for 1 hour to grow as disciples of Jesus.  The curriculum is taken from Mike Breen’s Building a Discipling Culture, and we’ll start at the very beginning.  Topics include:

What key areas of the Christian life would we focus on?

Relationships (God, Church, World)

Hearing God Speak (What is God Saying & What Am I Doing About It?)

How to Begin Daily Devotions (Rest & Work)

How to Pray (the Lord’s Prayer)

Discovering Your Personal Calling (How Has God Gifted You?)

How to Make a Disciple (Helping Someone Grow in Christ)

Every Day on Mission (How to Love Others and Share Jesus)

How to Measure Your Spiritual Health (Can You Take Your Pulse?)

…among other topics…


The Session, with Michael, senses God’s direction in pursuing this way of being the Church. Christ’s final words to the Church in Matthew were simple.  “Go, make disciples.”  And in order to make a disciple, we first have to be one ourselves.  We must understand how a disciple is formed.  We must allow our own lives to be shaped by the life of Christ revealed in the Scriptures.

In each of the studies listed above, we will look at how Jesus engaged in these activities. In other words, what did Christ’s relationships look like?  How did he pray? How and what did he teachhis disciples?  How did he live each day on mission? How did he rest?  How did he work?  In every aspect of our lives, we are called to bear the likeness of Jesus.  This study will help you do that.  It will help our church do that.  It will help us to live more faithfully, and reach others more capably, all in the name of Christ.


The Women of the Church

The Women of the Church meet on the first Monday of each month at 11am in the Library.







Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ we commit ourselves

to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,

to support the mission of the church worldwide,

to work for justice and peace, and

to build an inclusive, caring community of women

that strengthens the Presbyterian Church

and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.


Sunday Schoolfellowship

Sunday School is held Sunday mornings from 10-10:45am in various classrooms throughout the church.

Presently, all of our Sunday morning adult classes are working through the Discipleship materials listed above, but studies have varied in the past.

Children meet for Sunday School in The Upper Room above the Fellowship Hall.


Family Night Supper:

The last Wednesday of each month, we gather for a Family Night Supper at 6pm.  These meals together are lots of fun.  Often, we bring a covered dish to share, and enjoy one another’s company and laughter in the NPC Fellowship Hall.  But we have also been taking time to venture out beyond the walls of our church, making an effort to be an active presence in the life of beloved town of Newland.  So, we will, every other month or so, make plans to meet at a local Newland restaurant at 6pm, which makes for a great opportunity to invite friends to share in the life of our church family as we support our the local businesses of our community.