Two Baptisms, Two Services, & Indoor Worship Procedures for Oct. 4th : )

Dear NPC Family,                                       
How wonderful it will be to worship together this Sunday, Oct 4th, reminding one another of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and celebrating the Sacraments instituted by our Lord!  Both sacraments, actually.
 We’ll celebrate communion, and the baptisms of Elliott Joseph Hitechew and Spencer Faye McKee (pictured above) at the 10am Outdoor Service on the NPC Lawn!

Please come, as you are able, to share in this most significant of moments in the life of our church family.  There is, “…one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, over all, through all, and in all.” (Ephesians 4).  

Spencer’s family and Elliott’s family would greatly appreciate your prayers and presence as their children prepare to be baptized into Christ.  “For the promise is for you and for your children…” (Acts 2:39).
11 o’clock
Worship in the Sanctuary!
Service Time

Begins at 11am (with Live Stream link emailed to those remaining at home), and will last roughly 30-45 minutes.  If all goes well with our new camera, you can participate beginning at 11am from home in  live worship, or watch the recording posted later.

What Will be Different

Please wear a mask while entering and exiting the church building.  Masks may be lowered once worshippers are seated and the service begins.  

A greeter will meet you at the door and take your temperature with a no touch thermometer upon entry.  Anyone with a fever won’t be admitted for the safety of others.  

We know that it will be difficult to keep appropriate distancing, but please, for your sake and for the wellbeing of those we all love, do not engage in hugs, handshakes, etc.  In fact, the most important thing is not to get within 6 feet of one another!  

The floor will be marked to help folks maintain distance upon entry, and after the service, ushers will dismiss groups by row, asking others to remain seated until their turn.  

Instead of passing communion or offering plates, a table will be placed at the rear of the sanctuary with individually packaged communion elements and an offering box, where you may pick up communion elements upon entry, and leave an offering upon your exit.

Finally, while our liturgy of worship will follow our traditional movement, we will be refraining from congregational singing, relying instead upon instrumentals and soloists to offer up “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Eph. 5:19),” on our behalf.

What Will Be the Same

Where two or three are gathered, God will be with us!

We will gather to the glory of God, in the name and in the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We will 1. offer God praise, 2. confess our individual and corporate sin, 3. be assured of our forgiveness in Jesus, 4. draw near to the Word in the power of the Spirit, 5. affirm our faith, and 6. be seated as guests of honor, in grace, around the table of our Lord, receiving his body and blood.  And 7. we will be sent into the world on a mission, as those transformed and empowered by the ministry of Christ, to bless and draw the world into the life of God.

What Happens Afterward

Each Sunday, a group of folks will remain behind to sanitize the backs of pew benches, lights switches, door handles, and other high touch surfaces.Additionally, windows will be opened for a period of time after each service to allow fresh air to pass through the sanctuary.On Fridays, our paid cleaning crew will again sanitize in preparation for Sunday worship. 

From the NPC Session
A Plan for Reconvening Corporate Worship and Congregational Life

Stage 1 (beginning March, 2020)
Online Worship – has given us a chance to continue hearing the preached Word and sharing in common prayers.

Stage 2 (June 14, 10am)
Outdoor Worship on the Lawn + Livestreaming – provides outdoor space where potential viral spread can be mitigated, and those uncomfortable sitting on the lawn can remain in their vehicles while still participating in community worship.  Those remaining at home can tune in to watch the recorded version.

Stage 3 (August 2020)
Small Group gatherings inside the church building – will resume with physical distancing imposed.  The Fellowship Hall & Sanctuary both provide large spaces for groups to spread out.  Presently, there are two Bible studies meeting in person, and another via Zoom.  Call the office (733-2186) if interested.

Stage 4 (October 4, 2020)
Return to Indoor Worship (11am) + Live Streaming – with limited capacity and physical distancing.  See procedural steps above.

Stage 5 (by the Lord’s mercy)
Return to “Normal” Schedule (9am & 11am) + Live Streaming – with no restrictions.  Other church functions (Family Night Suppers, etc.) will resume.

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